The Capnote Private Platform is an automation and productivity engine that has been designed to help bankers save time, collaborate and enhance the quality of their analysis.
When a bank licenses the Capnote Private Platform, a unique and separate instance of the Capnote platform is created for use by only the bank and its staff.

“Automation and artificial intelligence could save banks more than $70 billion by 2025.”
Comprehensive Data & News
Receive access to comprehensive data and news including 11,700+ publicly listed companies, 45,000 supply chain relationships, 100+ industries and 154 commodities or market indicators.

Save Time & Money with Automations
Save time and money with automations like the one-click memo which reduces up to a week’s worth of research time into a single click. Automating such tasks enables staff to spend more time on value added work.
Alignment of Risk Appetite & Opportunities of Interest
Better align teams on risk appetite and opportunities of interest. Capnote’s automated risk and growth factors for industries and companies can be adjusted to suit your preferences or track specific indicators.

Enhance Collaboration
Enhance collaboration across coverage or deal teams in different geographies with a completely private social network, shared portfolios, flexible tagging and personalized notifications.
Democratize Organizational Knowledge
Make better use of organizational knowledge and retain it better in an interactive environment. Rather than just store documents on drive, these can be turned into interactive digital posts or notifications with key dates synchronized among teams.

Getting Started for Banks
When a bank requests to license the Capnote Private Platform, we will arrange a discovery call to go through the bank’s precise requirements and preferences. Following a discovery session , a unique and closed platform will be created and the bank’s authorized users will be added onto the platform. The bank will be able to nominate administrative users that monitor employees actions and moderate content on the platform.